Monday, August 11, 2008

Hawaii Day 2

That is a muumuu. Imagine it on a person in real-life now. Have I scarred you for life yet?

Ok, Here's what happened today:

1. I went out to the beach at like, 6 or 7 AM. I got pummeled by a ton of waves so that really woke me up :) (btw, To get down to the beach, you can take an elevator! I know it's weird, but at the same time really cool :P)

2. Hung out and basically sat on this weird colored couch that we have here and went on the internet. I'll take a pic of the couch later :) Just remind me to!

3. Went to "the Grand Canyon of Hawaii" near a city that i can't either pronounce or remember. I'll put pics when i upload them to the laptop, k? It's really pretty :)

4. Went to a gift shop in a nearby town and gasped at the hideous muumuus that they were selling. (that's the exokanation for the photo above. I even saw people buying them :(

5. Got shaved ice at a local place :)

6. Ended up at the house on the aforementioned couch on the computer typing this right now. yeah....

Well here are pics from yesterday to early morning today :)

1. Me vamping it up for the camera :P

2. Pretty View from the balcony ^_^

3. My new video camera :) that's how I'm uploading the videos :D

That's all for now for this post ^-^ I'll post the rest in the next few days :)

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